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Games in our Minds

Since daddy worked abroad we were blessed with high technology toys and gadgets growing up.

I just remembered because every time I would drive and need to cross roads, my mind would automatically switch to game mode! Lol!

You see, I used to love this Chicken Crossing The Road Game using ATARI then. I would control the chicken's movement so it wouldn't get killed while crossing, the chicken needs to walk past 4 lanes to get a score -mmm, to get the worm at the other side! 


So,  just to make a connection, it could be that when we are constantly faced with the same challenges everyday, even via online games, we also subconsciously get to actualize it. It no longer matters if it's just a game or the real thing, we react the same to it!

The point is REPETITION, VISUALIZATION and MIND CONDITIONING may actually work especially in achieving our goals or achieving our dreams.

What do you really want? If, say, we really want to become a millionaire... then we may set up situations where in we could become one. Train our minds to act, to see, to talk, to walk, to speak, to hear, to listen, to move like one.. and then maybe it could happen, in time. 


If we want to build our own business someday and become a business tycoon, there are online games available which may prepare us to become one! 


A good experiment, but see, it is more on training of our minds to THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX and right here, right now, experience life like we wanted it.

Scary too, because many people want to play war games.. I mean, what are we training our minds into? - killing? destroying?, it may just be a game but it's like programming our minds to something bigger.


Who knows, it may not just be a game or illusion, but our own reality.  (At least in specific areas, in our minds!)

I hope I make sense!  Lol!


-day 185


  1. It doesss make sense. ;p Yay for day 185!! :)

  2. Mind conditioning, yes, I believe it's effective but somehow it's not that easy (sometimes).We need discipline and optimistic point of view at all times! Anyway, if there's a will, there's a way!

  3. mind training .My eldest sister is a great example for that.Our family back home is now consider well off family because of her.At young age ,as the eldest of 7 child i remember her ,telling us at this age ,she's gonna have business ,car ,buildings ,properties ,more car ,more properties for her and her siblings.Yes ,all her wishes did come true with hard work and good management.

  4. mind conditioning and impeccable timing... :) hai, my gaming days are over actually. :(

  5. The games gave me a flashback at nintendo family computer days. Some of the games do teach us some life's lessons.

  6. It's about living with a positive attitude :)
    If others can why can't I (we)? hehe.

  7. Repetition, visualization, mind conditioning. Now that makes a whole lot of sense. :)

  8. Nintendo ngayon ang gamit na pang training nang mga sundalo sa Amerika Ibang klaseng technology parang nag lalaro ka lang. kaya ang mgag helmet at tank ng mga amerikano may mga music na ginawa para sa kanila para habang gyera parang nag lalaro lang sila.

  9. For some time, I played Yoville day and night. It made me dream of a life of working in a factory, yet being paid heaps that I could afford pricey clothes. LOL.

  10. You are right! :) I've actually used a few games in helping me condition my own thoughts and feelings. But I won't mention the games anymore *hehe*... oh, and it made me reminisce about the old game types when you mentioned atari.. I used to have one, and I would always play donkey kong from it! :)

  11. I should be looking into this mind conditioning thing as I fare rather bad in the gaming department.

  12. i am through with games hahaha.. i used to play cabal and diablo for days not hours but days hahahaha..


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