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Kid's Morning Prayers


I drive my kids and a friend's daughter to school. 

As soon as I start the car, we'd pray. It has become a habit already. I'd start the prayer and then they would one by one, say their prayers too.

My youngest would always say, "God bless the trees, God bless the houses, God bless the sun, the moon, the cars..."

My eldest would say, "God help us do good in school, bless the sick people in the hospitals so they would get well.."

A friend's daughter would pray differently every time, she'd pray about China, the floods, bad people...

and then we'd all say AMEN.

It is a good morning habit. It also prompts the kids to be grateful and constantly be aware of God's goodness in our lives. 

It is a joy to be with kids and hear them speak their minds. It is a pleasure to listen to them praising God and thanking God for all the beautiful things that He has done for us.

In our own little ways, let us continue to spread God's love through our words, actions and silence. As we aim to be better persons, let us continue to be patient and forgiving for the many times we have failed to be loving.

Let the children be our inspiration, their innocence and purity of hearts, we can always emulate.


-day 136


  1. I think the first prayer that I have truly enjoyed praying is "Angel of God" and I've taught my little sister about it, too. =)

    It's good to teach kids how to pray while they are young so that they will stay prayerful throughout their lives.

    1. I agree; kids enjoy praying it too, in the evenings :)

  2. I don't believe in religion but it's good that your kids pray for different things and for other people, instead of just repeating a memorized one.

  3. I'm always blessed hearing that families make prayer as a habit.

  4. You'd always hear the simplest yet the sincerest prayers from kids. It's a good habit you've developed right there. <3

  5. As a child, it was my mom who taught me how to pray. Now I did the same for my little boy. Last time we attended an easter egg hunt party, my 3y old son volunteered to do the opening prayer. I am just proud of him.

  6. this is a great habit and i always love hearing children prayers because they are so simple and pure...

  7. too bad my son don't pray in the morning

  8. Angel of God is the first prayer I learned in school :)

  9. Amen! Kids has the sincerest prayer in the whole word .They speak what is in their minds and all for the good of people and the environment.

  10. Oh geez, this is an awkward post for me. I don't pray as hard as I did before when I was younger. But I do read the lives of saints and recite a lil of a prayer to Pedro Calungsod sometimes and just recently. I also need to call upon the name of my guardian angel Gabriel.

  11. I'm glad to know this that praying is already a habit among with your kids. I do appreciate that kind of practice. I know God really bless you for that.

  12. it's a good thin that you are inculcating such great values to the kids. Start 'em young, as they say.


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