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My Life's Guidelines

To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh


It has taken me a long time to learn that I just needed to be myself.

Growing up, I've had good and bad memoirs and taking it in another point of view, I know it has done me well. 

Maybe, I needed all those experiences to allow me to be initiated in mind power! Lol!

You see, I have made my own life guidelines as early as my school days!




1) I cannot please anyone, even if I try too, there will always be people who are for me and against me. I will do the right thing and will take criticisms as a learning tool.


2)  Until I learn how to stand and speak for myself, people will continue to bring me down. I need to learn fast!


3) Education matters. Getting good/high grades matters! But application of what one has learned matters most!


4) Writing helps me explore possibilities, analyze life's intricacies and provide awareness, new light and solutions to issues.


5) As I focus on my successes, I seem to get more and more.


6) I will say what I have to say to the person I have involvement with only. What others in his/her circle say doesn't matter.


7) At the end of the day, what have I learned? Reflection helps one to become a better person, to grow and to move on.


8) Never wash your dirty linens in public. There are just some things better left unsaid, untold and kept secret. 


9) Real friends will stand by you, no matter how many times you fail, lose and commit mistakes.


10) There is always something to learn, and until one learns the lessons, one will continue to be tested, and will continue to get angry, afraid, hurt and all the negatives.


I am grateful for the experiences, since it shapes, molds and helps me to become a better person hopefully. 




-day 125


  1. gusto ko yan Gem.for me Gem , you have to love your own .. dba.. di kailangan na iplease ang lahat... hahaha -susan

  2. i say amen to the list Gem! we are of divine nature and with divine potential.that makes it easier to accept ourselves and to be beautiful!

  3. Great reminders for everyone! I say AMEN too!

  4. ayan tama yan! stand up for what you believe in...!


  5. Thank you for the inspiring message and reminders :)

    #1 is so true. Just focus on doing the good things and don't mind the people bashing you for doing the right things. They're just jealous. hehe

    Just live the best version of yourself :)

  6. 4) Writing helps me explore possibilities, analyze life's intricacies and provide awareness, new light and solutions to issues

    I do this too. :)

  7. coping up is harder than i thought.. hahah sige lang kaya pa ito..

  8. awww, it took me a long time to learn these things myself. Actually I am still half way through my own list too. Self improvement is a long process, learn and live the joys of discovering once self and happiness will follow.:)

  9. Great list of life lessons. I especially like #1.

  10. Amen din po. I couldn't agree more.

  11. I cannot please everyone so I shall not. If it's not ok with me than I shall say no. 2 things I just learned recently. =)

  12. I like number your life's guidelines. That you're evaluating yourself at the end of the day on what you've learned for the day. Then, you relate it to yourself through a reflection whether you've helped a person, making him a better person to grow, then you've the reason to move on. This is absolutely and proper direction! For me you're in the right track of making others happy!

  13. Amen ! Well said I agree to each one. Life is never easy but we have to appreciate and learn each day from experience.

  14. Hooray for #10 'coz am a person who's always up for challenges and eager to learn. Btw what's your progress in keeping up with these guidelines?

    1. hahaha, it's daily monitoring!.. until you get to internalize it.. always easier said than done, but needs to be done!:))

  15. These are beautiful realizations. I too have experienced almost all of the points that you have mentioned. And at the end of it all, it takes for a strong person to recognize his/her own strengths and weaknesses -- and from there, try to make one's life more meaningful despite of those 'bumps on the road'.

  16. Hear, hear! I couldn't agree with your list!
    Awesome, wonderful and heavenly made one.
    Keep them coming Ms. Gemma.
    God bless you as you encounter various ways of learning through experiences.

  17. It is true ,we should learn to accept first .We should love who we are ,be sensitive to others feeling so they learn to accept you as a good person and real friends are hard to find but if you did it first ,be real to others then they will do the same to you.

  18. wow i want to borrow the 10th on ur list...i think i haven't learned the lesson yet...

    1. oh, for as long as we are alive.. we will continue to learn... at our own pace :)

  19. very inspirational. I agree to that list 100%

  20. I couldn't pick which of the 10 had the most impact on my life. I guess all of it does. ^_^

  21. Being yourself and not pretending to be somebody
    is being the TRUE person you really are. You don't have to
    wear a mask to please other people and you're doing the right thing.

  22. Well said. It is only by gaining a deeper understanding of yourself that you gain self acceptance. It is only self acceptance when you find love. It is only with love that you can share yourself with the world.

  23. NO one can make you better, rather than yourself. No one can make you more richer and be loved rather than yourself. Cool post


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