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Dennis, the Great!

Thursdays are for GREAT PEOPLE in my life!




Today, I am featuring my husband, Dennis!

Since he's in an H4 visa. 

He keeps himself busy as he taps into his own creativity and ingenuity!

He is creating something out of scrap wood from neighbor's trash! (could be former bed support, cabinet, pallets, etc)

Making him the wood garbage collector.. and our house full of scrap wood!hehe

look at the bible holder/ created Jan. 2010
finished product :)

his very first project - all from neighbor's trash! (2009)
scrap wood turned kids' designer chairs (2010)

shopping cart-turned-rolling-study-table (2010)
our former grocery/laundry cart turned stroller! - especially made for mountain climbing at the Lookout Mountain, Chattanooga, TN. (2009)
old study table turned headboard (2012)
former folding bed turned clothes rack (2009)

Whilst, we are undeniably opposites…

You love to work with your hands, I would rather read.
You create things out of crap, I would rather write.
You make productive use of your time, I do too, right? :)
You're my exact opposite… and

I thank God for you! 

Thank you for being part of my life!  


 -day 49-


  1. cool talent dear!! My husband always cook around the house and not me so i think there is really something with our husbands that made us all wives very lucky! plus your husband can make those wood garbages very useful is definitely a way to go! xx god bless!

  2. You are very creative...!! =)) Like your work..!

  3. Hanep naman sa creativity ang asawa mo. Hindi lahat nakakagawa ng ganyan. Talagang he's great! :D

  4. ang galing naman... very creative and resourceful! You're one lucky wifey! :D

  5. Wow! he could make a career out of this and make a lot of money.. hehe! That's when you love what you're doing. You give your 110% to make it more beautiful. Kudos to your husband. And you're one lucky wife Miss Gem. :)

    1. thanks julie!!! mag dilang angel ka sa "money" part lol!

  6. Ganda ng mga work ng husband u, the designs are great;)

  7. The great nga si Daddy Dennis! - tess

  8. Im sure u inspire him :)- anna

  9. Ang galing naman dennis ang gaganda gawa niya. Tama ka dennis the great siya ginagamit niya time niya sa makabuluhang bagay saludo ang sa u dennis. Miss u all guys ingat lagi - auntie nini

  10. Si " Dennis the Menace!"...:) - blue

  11. Very ingenious! Imagine creating something useful from people's trash. That's one heck of a talent!


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