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The cursed HOW

In my blog post “Powerful Thoughts”, I have written how powerful our mind is and whatever we create in our minds, if we believe, it will achieve!

Honestly, I did not have any idea as to HOW it will happen – (flashback, my solution for our family to be together and not have my husband work as an OFW anymore was to migrate).  HOW? that was the question!
All I have was a belief that it will happen, 

and for me to mentally picture what I want to happen,
I have posted dollar bills, 
talk incessantly about going to America someday, 
kept a dollar in my wallet just to attract it…

      What else? I went to DFA in Lucena to get our passports! 
That was how determined I was!


My aunt asked me “where are you going Gi?”, 
 I told her to DFA, to get our passports. She asked, “Why?” 
I said, because, 
“We’ll be traveling someday?” and just smiled.

What else? I went to SM Lucena to buy my luggage! 

This was like going overboard really!!! LOL!

But all the while, I kept everything to myself. Even my parents didn't know about it! 

What I remember was always (some of you know how persistent I can be, LOL!) asking my mother, “Mommy, what if I also go to USA, everyone seems to want to go there..” and she’d reply “You may try, but I’m telling you, not everyone is destined to go there.”

After like, a week, I’d ask again, “Mommy, what if I go to the USA, everyone seems to want to go there...” and she’d reply the same thing! Lol! That was how persistent I was!!! LOL!


Maybe because my mind was really into it, and maybe because it was really meant to be?, but everyone I met and all my circumstances seemed to lead me towards what I want!

A good friend bugged me to apply online! I was not sure if I was qualified but because she was so persistent, I did!

Then I've had this conversation with a former classmate based in the US already, I told her, “You know, I also want to go there! How will I do it?” she replied, “C’mon, Gemma, you shouldn’t ask me that, for sure 
YOU know what to do!”

And it just hit me! I KNOW WHAT TO DO? But I don’t! or maybe I do?

Even my husband persisted that I do something new! As submissive as I am, LOL! I enrolled in MA in Information Technology and that changed my life!

I just felt so happy to be back to school again and learning new stuffs, that I declared

“I have just opened the doors, windows, ceiling and walls 
to an opportunity created JUST FOR ME!”

Two weeks after that, the phone call came (from the agency I applied online, that I’ve forgotten already) telling me I will be interviewed. Two months later, I was on my way to the airport, YES, with my passport and my newly bought luggage!

Was it magic? Was it a miracle? Was it meant to be? Was it my doing? Was it planned? Was I able to attract it?

How did it happen???

You, tell me! 

But one thing is for sure. It’s all GOD.

Keep on believing everyone! :)

visit me here too!

-day 26-


  1. you for seen that it's going to happen what we feed in our mind mostly it happens so we only have to think all the positive things and for sure it will happen , God has plan for us to be here I never imagine myself that i'm going to be here . When I graduated from college i was accepted in Qatar , after that I receive some of the offers but I have to turn it down I dunno coz my mind and my heart is not in it . Dream big, bigger than your fear , bigger than your imagination .

  2. Hahaha naremember q ngkita pa tau sa sm nung binili mo ung luggage bag :)) it's really for you gems just hold on to ur thoughts! We're just here :)

  3. our thoughts are powerful. The greatest author Napoleon Hill once said that What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. It is one way of using the law of attraction..

  4. Just great! keep thinking positively and work your way up. Good luck to your career.

  5. If there is a will, there is a way! Way to go Gemma!

  6. Reminds of the The power of positive thinking of Norman Vincent Peale.. Great!!! Congrats and God bless!

  7. whatever we create in our minds, if we believe, it will achieve! - definitely right!

  8. You're very lucky to get that chance! Your will power and persistence paid off~ Good luck to you and your new endeavors in the land of the free!

  9. Believe, do it and it will surely happen. What the mind conceives. the body achieves!

  10. geez! very inspiring!! I'm still believing to be something that i really wanted ever since! and god bless me for believing to him until now!! fingers crossed! xx

  11. the power of positive thinking and self-fulfilling prophecy are something we can't just deny. this post made me realize something about myself too. such an eye-opener...

  12. It was not magic,it was meant for you.reading your very well written post is honestly inspiring because God provide the wonder.he loves you.

  13. wow bihira lang talaga akong makakita ng optimistic person.. :)

  14. you focused on your possibilities...good!

  15. Persistently submissive? ;) When it comes to chasing dreams, if done right, I think there's no going overboard. There is of course the fun of luggage shopping :)

  16. whatever you think will happen, will happen. :-)

  17. I had that same experience too but not the part where I need to fly out of the country for a job. Yep, if you believe in God and holds on to His promise, all things will come true :)

  18. Whatever you deserve will surely come in HIS time.

  19. mine is taking forever to come true.. hehe. But I believe deep in my heart that it will come in God's time... I just need to be patient! ;)

  20. Oh my. I terribly need that kind of mind as I am currently unemployed nurse and terribly longing for going abroad. Are there any other courses available aside MA where you applied? a nurse perhaps?

  21. I have yet to apply for a US Visa and renew my passport. I believe the best things do happen in God's Time. ^_^

  22. inspiring posts and i do agree. when we believe we can we are right.many times i proved that in my life that as my fave quote goes "that which we persists in doing becomes easier for us to do not because the nature of the things has changed but our power to do has increased".

  23. Inspiring story. Believe to achieve. It always start in believing you can do it or make it happen.


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