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Yes to Life!:)

"Life,"  Leo Buscaglia author of Living, Loving and Learning wrote, "is not a trip in itself. 

It's not a goal. 

It's a process. 

You get there step by step by step by step. 

And if every step is wondrous, and every step is magical, that's what life will be. 

And you'll never be one of those people who reach the point of death without missed a thing. 

Don't look over other people's shoulders. 

Look in their eyes. 

Don't talk at your children. 

Take their faces in your hands and talk to them. 

Don't make love to a body, make love to a person. 

And do it now. 

Because that moment doesn't last forever. 

It's fast disappearing, and it'll never come again. 

And most of us spend our lives crying over past moments. 

Too late! 

But there are still a million more to come."

I've no more words... time to DO.

What about you?


-day 35-


  1. to really live life do things that you want to do , enjoy and laugh more often we only live once , if you live your life right one lifetime is enough. In the end you are the master of your own destiny .My motto ever since do what ever makes you happy , be with someone who can make you smile , laugh as long as you breathe and love as long as you live . Perfect ingredients to a happy life indeed .
    Gemma alam mo ba ito ang pinagpupuyatan ko ang blog mo we he he

  2. beautiful !!
    I have read so many poems but this one was very light yet heart touching and very wonderful.
    kinda sweet inspirational one .
    I loved it .

  3. live life to the fullest:)time seems so short, every second count so make life worth it:) inspiring post

  4. have fun in our choosen life, because it only happens once in a lifetime

  5. This is beautiful and very inspiring.. :) Life is indeed to short to be taken for granted. We need to live it now and make it worth it.


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