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Meet the 88 year old!


My 88 turning 89 year old active and still employed as 
Special Ed Teacher friend taught me the most valuable thing in losing weight. 

What is? Down-to-minimum-SUGAR-intake!

She said in two weeks I’ll lose 10 pounds! 

She also advised me to look at the Nutrition Information at the back of the package. 

Less than 4g is OK but more than that, I need to be wary.

No candies, no dough nuts, no chocolates, no cakes, no ice creams, no cookies, and no to all sweets! 

Her tips: (from her own words – she typed it!)
1. Minimum Salt intake - Salt is deadly.

2. Water - Lots of water, and I hate water.  
My drunken friend of seventy years always tells me that water is deadly!

3. Milk-  at least a quart daily, unless you are allergic.

4. Exercise -  get up from the table! “push the plate away”…. Best exercise!

5.  High protein - my daughter after serious operations needs a 
high protein duty, and put me on it.

Her message:
“Love your neighbor – hate kills you!” – Meadow Lark* (her pseudonym)

She is turning 89 this March, and she is still mentally and physically capable! 

She is healthy, she stands straight, her mind is sharp and yes -she also uses the computer pretty well 
(except for forgotten passwords and what-page-to-go-to and what-to-do-with-this-page issues) 
but nonetheless,  

she is one amazing woman! 

 What do you think?


P.S. The Meadow Lark* is looking for a hawk over 90. LOL!

-day 47-


  1. All I can say is WOW - cody

  2. what can i say holiday - akane

  3. Amazing story! :) - len

  4. bongga ang blog mo frend...idol na kita mula ngayon! - el han

  5. I wish I also had old friend... They know what's best.

  6. All i can say is... LONG LIVE LA VIDA LOLA!

    I guess i should start trimming my sugar intakes :( sweet tooth pa naman ako huhuhu :)

  7. definitely the secrets to old age. And don't forget a positive disposition towards life. Like someone said, "growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional" ;-)

  8. Nice tips your friend suggest...i should try....thanks

  9. wow your friend is amazing! i love her tips, yung mga age kasi nila when they were younger healthy living sila. unlike us now puros nalang fast food and ready made, canned goods.. we should eat heathy too..

  10. I think the tips can be practiced by all ages... for example, I know that salt is very bad and drinking lots of water is very good for everybody... :D

  11. Wow. Her age and how she is now is the very testimony of how she lived with her healthy tips. I might as well start following these 5 simple tips and will love my neighbors (more)...As usual, this is another great post. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Hahaha, love love love it! I love her tips! Reminds me of my 87-year old grandma who's turning 88 this Feb. Kudos to your friend for all her sense and sensibilities. I know I'm forgetful at my age so please do extend my advanced birthday greeting for her birthday on March. :D

  13. a lot of people are missing these important points in diet. This is very helpful since it comes from a experience. Thank you for sharing :)

  14. O WOW......thanks for sharing Gem...

  15. wow......thanks to GOD ....... - susan


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